Sustainable production and consumption

by Claes Hubert, Gabriel Georges, Guichard Sylvain, Kolsters Joris, Salonen Oona Melissa, Tekin Deniz


We live in a world where every little thing has to be faster and bigger, where the amount of resources we use is constantly increasing and where our impact on the environment is becoming very worrying. Some argue that this globalization is necessary for a global market, where each nation can perform in what they are the best at. In this context, Sustainable Development students from KULEUVEN got together to share their experiences and speak about the SDG 12, “Sustainable Consumption and Production”. Do alternative systems exist? What can we do at our own scale? They will share projects and initiatives that allow us to slow down and live in a more sustainable way. This “Sustainable Podcast” takes place in the podcast channel “Thoughts for a more Sustainable World”.

Relevant weblinks


Bossay, C. & Peirano, M.P. (2017). Parando la olla documental: Women and contemporary chilean documentary film. Latin American Women Filmmakers: Production, Politics, Poetics, pp.70-95. doi: 10.5040/

Food and Agricultural Organisation of the UN. (2022). UN Report: Global hunger numbers rose to as many as 828 million in 2021.

Herrmannsdörfer, A.N., et al. (2020). Cooking Up Political Agendas: A Feminist Guide on the Right to Food and Nutrition for Women in Rural Areas.  FIAN International, 34 pp.

Hiner, H., et al. (2022). Gender, Pobladoras and Ollas Comunes in Chile: Re-Activating Memory and History in Order to Survive the Coronacrisis. Gender & History, 19 pp.

Mbow, C., et al. (2019). Food Security (In press) ‘Food security‘, Climate Change and Land: an IPCC special report on climate change, desertification, land degradation, sustainable land management, food security, and greenhouse gas fluxes in terrestrial ecosystems [P.R. Shukla, et al. (eds.)].

Mohanty, C.T (2003). Under Western Eyes” Revisited: Feminist Solidarity Through Anticapitalist Struggles. Signs: Journal Of Women In Culture And Society 28 (2): 499-535. doi:10.1086/342914.

Motta, R. & Teixeira, M.A. (2022). Food sovereignty and popular feminism in Brazil. Anthropology of food, 1, 18pp. doi:

Younis, J. (2021). The communal cooking pot. Red Pepper