Recipes of Resilience - Women and Food Security

by Mascha Graupe, Chiara Cattani, Louna Dayekh, Ana Marie Binuya


In Recipes of Resilience: Women and Food Security, we talk about the politics of care and how a feminist perspective can inform grassroots organizing in relation to food security, highlighting the role women play in responding to global issues, especially in relation to the Sustainable Development Goal 2: Zero Hunger. The podcast will take you to Chile to explore the emergence of of the La olla común (communal or common cooking pot) throughout history and how the COVID-19 outbreak revived the long tradition of grassroot community kitchens where Pobladora women have played a key role in organizing these common pots within the communities. We also invited Mr. Antonio Herrera, a coordinator of the volunteering program from the Municipality of Lima in Peru, to discuss how local authorities interact with the work of ollas comunes on the ground. Mr. Herrera addresses challenges they encountered during the pandemic and tells us more about how common pots look like in other parts of South America.

The aim of our podcast is to highlight the power of collective action that is on the rise around the globe, with more and more people opposing the dominant food production system and building alternatives to fight hunger.


Guest: Mr. Antonio Herrera

Music –


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