E3: How to scale up the fight against food waste ?
How to scale up the fight against food waste’ sheds light on the global issue of food waste. We focus on how we can scale up the fight against food waste by explaining the complications and solutions that exist on the consumer, producer and societal level. This episode is in alignment with SDG 12, which is about responsible consumption and production patterns. On the consumer side, we discovered that individual people do indeed have a big impact on this issue and that there is an imbalance between the Global North and South when it comes to food waste. We also give concrete tips on how to have impactful conversations on this subject with your relatives. For the producer side, we interviewed Rekub, an innovative company that cooks with food waste generated from restaurants and supermarkets. Finally, we end our podcast with a little thought-provoking section by debating on the role art can play to solve food waste on a societal level. To wrap up the episode, we propose easy solutions that everyone can implement into their daily lives to help tackle the food waste problem by themselves.
Credits and references
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